Meters from the
series LZQJ have been designed for universal application
according to VDEW Specifications 2.1. Due to the one board and the
and tested measuring procedure the meter is distinguished by its
relicbility. the high performing
processor system and the download capability
of the meter sofware guarantees a solid basis for future extensions.
Brief summary
• for 2-,3- and 4- wire networks
long range power supply, optionl with auxiliary voltage supply
Class 0.2 and Class 0.5
• VDEW-Display
32 energy-and 32 maximum registers + 8 tariffless registers, each
contains 15 historical values
• operational-and certification relevant logbook
• load profile with up to 32 channels
• optical interface D0
• electrical interface RS485 / RS232 / CL0
• optical fibre interface
• measuring of instantaneous values
Precision Meter LZQJ-E
The Precision Meter LZQJ-E has been designed mainly for the
registration of
large quantities of energy e.g. for measurement at supplay
terminals. The
meter is in accrdordance with VDEW-Specifications 2.1 The heart of
meter is the high precision measuring
system. The application of an
external auxiliary volatge supplay enables a flexible application of
the meter
Due to the plug-in technique it is quick and easy to change the
Brief summary
for 2-,3- and 4- wire networks
range power supply, optionl with auxiliary voltage supply
Class 0.2
Class 0.5
• VDEW-Display
32 energy-and 32 maximum registers + 8 tariffless registers, each
contains 15 historical values
• operational-and certification relevant logbook
• load profile with up to 32 channels
• 4 impulse inputs
• optical interface D0
• electrical interface RS485 / RS232 / CL0
• optical fibre interface
• measuring of instantaneous values
• ESSAILEC-plug-in system Phoenix-screw terminals
• for installation in 19"-Racks
Digital Multi-Tariff Meter DMZ
The DMZ is a digital alternating current meter for measuring
positive active
energy It supports up to 4 tariffs, each with 15 historical values.
In addittion
to this, the DMZ has a tariffless register which stores the sum of
the energy
values of all tariffs a mannipulation
recognition device registers unauthorized
access to the meter
Brief summary
for 2- wire networks
Class 0.2 optional Class 0.1
• 8-digit LC-Dispaly
• up to 4 teriff registers
• optical interface D0
electrical interface RS485/ RS232/ CL0
• manipulation recognition
Industriezahler DIZ
Der DIZ ist ein Zahler zur Messung von positiver Wirkenergie
Er ist in Ein-oder Zweiterifausfuhrung erhaltlich. Seine
kompakte Bauform ermoglicht eine platzsparende Montage
Die direktmessende Ausfuhrung des DIZ
ist for den
Anschluss an3-oder 4-Phasengabelschinen vorbereited
Brief summary
• for 2-3-und 4-Leitermetze
Class 0.2 and Class 0.1
• LC-Display
1 oder 2 Taifregister
• elektrische Schnittstelle M-BUS ( Option )
• spannungslose Auslesung uber batterie ( option )
• nur 6 TE breit
Digital DIN-Rail Meter DHZ
Meters from the series DHZ are used for measuring active energy
resp. active
and reactive energy. The wide range of designs enableas a wide
for application. The meter has an automatic error recognition system
and be
mounted compact on DIN-Rails wall
mounting is also possible. The DHZ is
available as a Standard Meter, Multi-Tariff Meter, Combi Meter or 4
- Quadrant
Brief summary
• for
2-,3- and
4-wire networks
Class 0.1
multi-tariff version
• maximum measurment
• optical interface D0
electrical interface LON
• compact design ( 7 pitch wide )
installation error recognition
Electronic Single Phase Meter EIZ-FEWF7393
The EIZ-FEWF7393 Meter serves to measure positive active energy. The
meter has been designed for DIN-Rail mounting and is only 18 mm wide
( 1 pitch ). the meter has a single-tariff step switching register
and 1
impulse output. The meter has a PTB
approval and can therfore also be
used for billing purposes
Brief summary
• for 2 -wire
Class 0.1
• step switching register
1 tariff register
• 1 impulse output
• smallest possible design ( 1 pitch wide )
Standard Meter ISM
Meters from the series EIZ are used to measure active - or reactive
The meter is suitable for both DIN-Rail mounting and wall mounting.
meter has a single-tariff strp switching register and be equipped
eithar with an
impulse output, M-Bus-or LON-interface
Brief summary
• for
2-,3- and
4-wire networks
• Class 0.2
and Class 0.1
• step switching register
• 1 tariff register
• interface-option SO/M-Bus/LON
• compact design ( 7 pitch wide )
( analog und GSM )
Das Zahlermodem Sparkling ist als Analog-und GSM
Modem erhaltlich. Durch die Moglichkeit der transparenten
Datenauslesung sind Modems for alle gangigen Leit-
stellen geeignet Die Modems sind einer
CL-, RS485-
oder RS232-Schnittstelle ausgestattet. Daruber hinaus sind
2 Spannungsausgange und 1 Alarmkontakt for SMS-Versand
( in Deutschland ) verfugbar
Brief summary
long range power supply
electrical interfaces RS485, RS232/CL
• easy transparent operation
LED's for display of the operational conditions
• password protection on 2 levels
• time window, call accepted delay
• remotely configurable
4 channel data memory Sparklog
With the series
Sparklog a new generation of data memory becomes
for all common control centres. The modems are equipped with a RS485
RS232-or CL-interface.
Furthermore 2 voltage outputs and 1 alarm contact
for sending SMS ( in Germany ) are availble.
Brief summary
4 impulse inputs, optionaly for the reggistration of enargy and
quanrtities from the media types electricity gas and water
• housing acc. to DIN 43861-2
network-independent operation possible
• with communication module ( analog-or GSM-modem )
• LC-Display
• Real Time Clock
• data output via optical interface or communication module
• OBIS code system
acc. to the VDN-Specifications 2.1
• 4 channel losd profile memory with a memory depth> 90 days with a
registration period length of 15 min
• maximum demand regidter with 2 measuring periods per channel
• variable day changing time 00: 00 or 06:00 o' clock
certification relevant log
Optical Fibre Separation Box LTR
The Optical Fibre Separation Box LTR serves to generate energy
synchronization signals or tariff switching times via a fibre optic
The LTR boxes can be connected to all EMH meters with an optical
Up to 4 LTR boxes are cascadable.
Brief summary
DIN-Rail mounting
compact design ( 7 pitch wide )
• versatile application due to long range power supply
6 contacts for passing on information/data
• cascadable
• light-emitting diodes for the display of operational conditions
Optical Communication Adapter OKK
The Optical Communication Adapter OKK enables communication
electricity meters with optical D0-interface and out devices ( e.g.
PC, MDE. )
with RS232-or USB-interface. The OKK is battery independent, however
an option it can be supplied by a
power supply or battery
Brief summary
• can be connected to RS232 - or USB-interface
baud rate-up to 9600 Baud
Optical Communication Adapter with Bluetooth interface
This Optacal Communication Adapter enables communication between
electtricity meters and read out devices ( PDA, Laptop or PC ) with
Bluetooth interface. The Bluetooth Adapter has an integrated NiMh
accumlator and can therefore be
operated independent of voltage supply
A charger a Bluetooth USB Adapter and a driver-CD are contained in
Brief summary
• with Bluetooth interface
can also be connected to a USB interface via a Bluetooth USB Adapter
transmission rate up to 9600 baud
EMH - Mobile
This total package is a tool for the startup and also readout of
meters on loaction. It consists of a PDA ( Personal Digital
Assistans ) and
an optical communication adapter ( Bluetooth-OKK ). Both devices
communicate wireless via a
Bluetooth-interface. The software EMH
Mobile is installed on the PDA for communiaction with EMH meters.
Special features of the software include the installation check (
with all EMH meters with service table) and also readout of
domestic meters eHZ. With the
installation check you can easily check
the meter connection. AS result of this, connection errors are
visible on location.
Brief summary
• check of the meter connection by means of on installation
wireless meter readout via Bluetooth
• manageable readout device ( PDA )
• transfer of readout data possible from the PDA to the PC's vis
USB- or optionally via the
serial interface
• Bluetooh-OKK auch be used for Laptops and PC's